Saturday, December 1, 2007

Corporate Hangover

I finally got back to my roots and had a good old fashioned day long hangover. It had been too long. There is nothing like not being able to move without being on the verge of vomiting for a period of 12 hours or so. It gets you back to the human level of just barely being alive where you can only preform the most basic of human functions. You just lay there with your head spinning, your stomach doing god knows what and you brain thinking about how all you actually did last night was poison yourself. It's great. You can't remember what you did or how much money you spent. All you do know is that it was fun and now all you can do is lay here and puke up bile into a cup because you're too dizzy to get up and go to the bathroom. Showers help, yes, but they're only a temporary fix. The only thing that can really help is time...and a Snickers Bar(I don't know why I think it's something about the sugar or something).

But you know what? I love hangovers, they build character and bring you down from your ivory tower to remind you you're human. Who was it Sinatra that said he feels sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. When you think about it, that makes alot of sense. I mean it would be great if everyday you woke up and gradually felt better and better. What's weird is that it is actually the opposite and life in general is like that too. You gradually get worse and worse as time goes on. I read somewhere once what life would be like if it went backwards. You'd start out old and rickety but then get stronger and feel better everyday. You'd start with this high up job but then gradually get less and less responsibility until eventually you had none and all you did was play all day. Then at some point you would start to have people do EVERYTHING for you and all you would do all day is lay around and get fed. And then your life ends with an orgasm. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound too bad.

Or does it? Maybe there is something to this getting older thing. I mean you get older, can do more, make more money, learn new things, get day long hangovers, start blogs...I guess there are good arguments for both sides. The important thing is to remember you're human and to have fun because when you get down to it, it's the most important thing...that and fast food...and diversifying your stock portfolio...and videogames...

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