I wonder how many blogs will have a post with that title today? My New Years was officially the most low key new year I have ever had in my life. I went over to my girlfriend's house ate a bunch of ribs, drank some MGD and watched Knocked Up and a little more than half of Harry Potter 5 and went to sleep. I think we turned on Channel 2 or 5 like 1 min before 12 and watched the "countdown", which was just a bunch of fat (huge really), old ass people dancing and making out with each other to a Frank Sinatra impersonator.
But you know my low key New Years was fun. It was not like my girlfriend and I were being purposefully anti-social, she just got out of the hospital so she couldn't drink and she can barely walk. So what were we supposed to do?
I think the fact that I knew I couldn't go out made it alot easier to not to. If this had been a different situation and I HAD to stay in for some horrible reason like I had to watch my non-existent little brother or my girlfriend made a big to-do about staying in when I knew all of my friends would be out having fun, I would be writing in a much different tone right now.
For the last two years though I have been in the mindset that New Year's is a big bust and that it is just another night (and many people agreed with me on that). I mean everyone is tired from the Christmas rush, most people have to work on the Eve, so it is understandable. But after watching those old men dancing with their fat wives sweating profusely, I thought to myself maybe there is more to this night that I had originally thought. Maybe it isn't just another night. And in my Grinch like moment of realization I realized that if you treat New Years as just another night that is what it ends up being, but if you treat it like a holiday, then it is a whole different story. So watch out New Years 2008 (or would it be 2009?) because I'm gunnin' for you.
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