Hello again. I read this article a while back and meant to write something about it, but then I got all wrapped up in other things like Portal and IDM music and forgot to ever post it. But anyway here it is, "Scientists prove Squirrels are Sneaky". It's not a long article but it's basically about how squirrels are so paranoid that they actually make a whole bunch of fake hiding places for their food and if you see one making a hole, there is actually about a 20% chance that it is fake. Furthermore squirrels are more likely to make a "fake" hole when they know that other squirrels are watching! Sneaky indeed. But can you blame them? There are so many squirrels frolicking about all competing for the same food source, of course they're going to be sneaky about it! I would be too.
The only thing I don't like about the article is that the writer actually doesn't like squirrels! I like squirrels. I've always said that squirrels are like the extreme athletes of the animal world. They're always darting out in front of cars, swinging across wee little branches just begging to break, risking their lives attempting to steal from bird feeders. I was walking to class once and saw a squirrel fall at least 4 stories from the top of a building. He hit the ground, looked at me and just shook it off and continued about his day. Squirrels are really just adrenaline junkies with fur.
In other news I got into the MPA program at UWM! Which means I am halfway there! I still have to get into the Urban Planning Program in order to do the dual degree, which sucks because I don't think I will hear from them until March! You'd think that they would have a little better coordination with these dual degree programs, it's like the departments have no idea what the other is doing and make no effort whatsoever to find out. Oh well. In time I'll find out.
"There will be Blood" is finally here too, which I am going to see in a few hours. I don't think I have been this excited for a movie since Gangs of New York (when I thought it was a musical, oh what a pleasant surprise that was). I think Daniel Day Lewis is a good example of one of those "quality over quantity" actors. He's been only a handful of movies (25 according to IMDB), and they're all pretty good. Unlike like Samuel L. Jackson, who has been in over 100 different films and has made 150+ appearances as himself, some good some absolute shit. Which is fine I'm not knocking actors who have alot of roles. Maybe Daniel Day Lewis doesn't get approached for that many roles or maybe he is just really, really picky. Who knows!
Im out!
(lots of exclamation points this post)
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