Thursday, January 3, 2008

Get Real.

I think I need to have my hearing checked. People on the phone sound muffled and quiet, I talk really loudly at restaurants, and when people are talking to me I have to tell them to speak up.

What's going on here?? Am I going deaf? Have my ears run their course? I don't know but something is up. I clean them regularly so what the deal?

How long do body parts last anyway? Think about your heart. It's ALWAYS doing something. It never stops. When you go to sleep its still beating, when you are watching tv its still beating and that doesn't even take into account when you're actually doing some sort of cardiovascular activity! How can it do that? I feel bad for it, always having to work. The same with your lungs! But they are bigger so somehow I don't think they work as hard. They go alot slower you can hold your breath and give them a break. You can't "hold your heart" and see how many beats you can skip. That's called cardiac arrest.

I suppose your brain is always doing something too. You can give that a break by cutting off oxygen to it, but that causes damage so I guess it is not really a break. Your blood is always on the move too... nerve endings always sensing, synapses always synapsing, nails always getting longer, your eyes are ALWAYS seeing, especially when you're asleep which is counter intuitive as it is.

When we sleep are we really resting?

You're breathing slows yes, but what else speeds up?

You're body generates heat too. Have you thought of this? It's not easy to keep something at a toasty 98.6 degrees. Do you know how much electricity it would take to heat something at almost 100 degrees for 80, 90 years?? Neither do I but I can only assume its a ton. And all of this without even taking into consideration the external forces on our bodies. Stress, pollutants, billions of carcinogens...we've got about a million different types of waves running through our bodies at any given time, microwaves, radio waves, tv waves, HD something or other waves, this spectrum that spectrum...the list never ends!

And those are just the things we can't control. We do much worse to our already constantly running body on purpose! We smoke, we drink, we inject all sorts of chemicals into our systems, we pop pills, play sports that where we run into things for hours on end, we exercise...

Who came up with this genius idea anyway? Making our body work harder on purpose? How does that make any sense? (Then again, things in the medical field are a little backwards...Ohhhhh to cure this disease we inject it INTO ourselves... What's that? To cure cancer I need to what? Shoot radioactive waves into my body? Alright this should work...)

With all of this shit going on I am surprised humans live more than a week let alone 70, 80 even 90 years. If I was an alien and saw how weak and fragile the human race is I wouldn't even waste my time attacking the earth I would just push the earth about a foot closer to the sun or raise the ocean a few feet and I am pretty sure it would wipe out the entire human race. Our body temperature goes up not even 10 degrees and we die. How pathetic is that? We are so unadaptable its funny. It rains in San Diego and people don't go out for weeks!

And we think we can colonize the moon. Get real.


Unknown said...

With all of this shit going on I am surprised humans live more than a week let alone 70, 80 even 90 years. If I was an alien and saw how weak and fragile the human race"

this kinda contradicts itself... since we do live 70-90 years id say we're not fragile and weak.

ps: check out my new microblog

The Peddler said...

I suppose I could have worded that a little better but I would still say humans are weak and fragile. We're innovative, which I would say has contributed to us living for as long as we do. We have developed technology that lets us live in places we normally couldn't and live longer than most other things. But I am not sure how much that says about the hardiness of our species.